Positive Retail


Retail Management Hero eCommerce Integration

WebSell is an e-commerce platform that integrates with your Retail Management Hero POS system, letting you manage your entire business from one system.

Positive Systems Solutions WebSell integration

Key Product Features

E-commerce For Retail Management Hero

WebSell is the all-in-one solution that lets you power your online store with Retail Management Hero. Using your existing database, WebSell takes your POS system to build and maintain your website.

The E-commerce Platform For Growing Businesses

WebSell Benefits

RMH Integration

WebSell is an e-commerce platform with a difference. Your Point-of-Sale system can now work seamlessly with your website from one data source. That means everything you do on your shop floor or online are connected. This is unified commerce.

Reduce Business Costs

WebSell saves you time and money by letting your business function from one system. Don’t waste staff time with manual data entry. With WebSell, your staff can work safely in the knowledge that every retail system works together.

Accelerate Online Growth

WebSell lets you scale your business online to meet revenue targets. With add-on features like Google Shopping, Amazon listings, Subscription orders, or digital marketing services, you can grow your business however you’d like.

How Can WebSell Help My Business?

WebSell is the best option for brick-and-mortar businesses that want to grow their business online. Selling online doesn’t have to be hard.

Here’s WebSell and PSS customer Conns Cameras talking about their journey both in-store and online with both companies.

“We couldn’t work out the right way to go until we found the guys at WebSell, who have been brilliant. In the last year, the site has been a godsend with everything that’s happened.”

– Gareth Craig, IT & Communications Manager at Conns Cameras.

eCommerce Features Built To Turn Visitors Into Customers

See everything WebSell can do for your online business.

WebSell Testimonial

“Their integration with Retail Management Hero cuts everyday maintenance by at least 70%. It allowed our staff to focus on other areas of the business. Now our e-commerce just works without having to constantly maintain it.”

Gareth Criag

IT & Commincations Manager At Conns Cameras