Positive Retail

Power BI

Understand Your Customers, Your People, Your data—With Power BI

Transform your retail operations and improve efficiencies by acting on insights that are delivered in real-time.

Reimagine Retail

Accelerate your business’s retail innovation, agility, and overall resilience to achieve growth, regardless of market shifts and disruptions.

Know Your Customers

With so many shoppers moving online, they expect more than just rewards points and discounts. Gain visibility into the insights, patterns, and purchasing predictions you need at speed and scale to effectively connect with them.

Deliver An Intelligent Supply Chain

Get the right product, at the right price, to the right customer, at the right time—while closing the gap between demand generation and fulfilment.

Retail Analytics With Actionable Insights Instantly

Know Your Customers

Identify, adapt and serve evolving customer needs for deeper engagement across all channels.

Empower Your Employees

Enable you people with the tools to deliver exceptional customer service.

Build Resilient Supply Chains

Create more agile, responsive supply chains to meet customer demand and size.

Reimagine Retail

Accelerate innovation to pivot your business model toward the future.

Improve Profitability And Save Time

Retail Data analysis is no longer a wish I had, It’s a must-have. You lose sales every hour to your competition simply because they are analysing their data better than you. They send targeted e-mail shots to their clients based on their buying behaviour and products they have purchased in the past. Are you doing that?

Your clever competition is analysing their inventory to the nth degree, they understand inventory turns over time, they have insight as to top-selling and slow-moving products and categories. The merchandise better-using Market basket analysis so they know the most profitable areas in their store for the correct product placement and promotion.

Now the clever part – only some of your competition are using some of these data sources and some do only a tiny amount of analysis, but it has great effects on sales and inventory management in their business. You can do more than them quicker and easier to really drive past them, our retail ePoS solutions collect this data for you automatically and we can give you the tools, already set up, to take action through our insights module. Collect all your data from your Omnichannel sources and display it using easy to understand and actionable visual aids. You can even set up schedules for this information to be e-mailed to you, best of all you can access this anywhere anytime once you have an internet connection as this is our Cloud-based Analysis solution

Retail Analytics With Actionable Insights Instantly

How Do You Benefit From Retail Data Analysis

Reduce the time spent on creating and interpreting your reports. Typical time saved is 5h / store / month. That’s 5 hours you can spend on your shop floor or devising retail strategies for your business. Instant Retail Data Analysis.

Boost Sales Throughout Your Organisation

Share actionable insights in your organization to boost performance. Internal visibility and competition between stores can increase sales by up to 15%. Share insights on monitors in your Head Office for up to the minute information. Quickly spot trends or unusual behaviour instantly.

Targeted Marketing

Understand your customer behaviour and interests better. More relevant marketing increases campaign conversion rates by up to 100%. Targeted personal marketing campaigns directed to the right person at the right time with the right product and promotion. Simply view this data and act.

Forecast Demand

Forecast demand more accurately and optimise inventory levels. Sophisticated forecasts help reduce stock levels by up to 20%. In turn, giving you powerful insights as to what stock is in demand and should be afforded special focus.

Increase Up And Cross-Selling

Plan your assortment for increased cross-sell and up-sell. More efficient assortment and increased cross-sell lead to up to a 15% increase in sales

Unveil The Value In Your Data. Effortlessly. Like A Pro.

Benefit from various best practice analysis views and identify areas to improve. Stock, Sales, Staff and merchandising effortless Analysis with our powerful data tool.