Positive Retail

Shipping Integration

Shipping integration with multiple carriers and sales channels



Designed exclusively for Positive Retail clients, this development integrates Shiptheory with your Point-of-Sale software. Ready to save valuable hours of store admin?

Discover the advantages of the shipping integration:

  • Effortlessly produce shipping labels right from your POS screen.
  • Eliminate the need for manual creation of shipping labels.
  • Email customers tracking details while printing labels.


Effortless Shipping Label Creation

An easy-to-use dashboard for all labels and orders.

No manual Input

Automation will take care of all data entry.

Minimise the risk of human errors.

No more spelling errors with automation.

One platform

No need to have multiple carrier accounts open all day.

What do our clients say about the shipping integration?

Tom Whelan – Central Sports 

In the picturesque town of Kilrush, Central Sports has found a way to streamline its eCommerce order processing that has changed the game for them. Through the power of a well-thought-out shipping label integration, they’ve eliminated errors, saved precious time, and set themselves up for future growth and success.

At Central Sports, they’ve realised that seamless integrations can be the key to unlocking efficiency and growth in your business. If you’re facing similar challenges or seeking ways to optimise your operations, don’t hesitate to reach out to explore how integration solutions like theirs could be tailored to your unique needs.

How does does the Shipping Integration work?

Step One

Download the customer order or scan required items into the tender screen.

Once all items are scanned, complete the order using the “Web Order” tender type.

POS Screen Image

Step Two

The “Web Order” tender type will trigger the Shiptheory module into action.

This will generate the “ShipTheory- Add and Book Shipment page”.

Once triggered, data is pulled from the customer’s order and populated within the Shiptheory booking form.

Step Three

Select the required courier and delivery service, then create and book shipment! 


A carrier label will then be generated, ready to print and ship.


One application, one interface. It’s that easy!

RMH Auto-ship Module FAQ

Q. What shipping carriers are supported?

The RMH EPOS integration supports the following carriers, DPD, GLS, DHL and An Post.


Q. Do I need my website integrated to use the Shiptheory Add-On?

No, you can use this add-on for all accounts on your customer database in RMH.


Q. How many shipping carriers can I use within the RMH shipping module?

You can have as many shipping carriers as you would like. Within the POS screen, you can select the courier of choice when booking a shipment.


Q. What printer can I use to print labels within the module?

You can print a label on any S4 printer provided the printer is available to the PC running Shiptheory. It is recommended to ask your shipping couriers if they supply a dedicated printer when setting up your account.

Looking for eCommerce integration?

To learn more about Websell eCommerce integration click here.

If you have a Shopify, Majento or WooCommerce site click here.


What is Shiptheory?

Fully Integrated Shipping At Its Smartest!

Shiptheory helps save you time, money and effort, reducing the number of repetitive tasks you have to perform and helping you process orders faster and more efficiently.


Shiptheory acts as an interface between your sales channels and several worldwide carriers.  Shiptheory will communicate details of your orders and automatically generate and print shipping labels, packing lists and more. By using Shiptheory, you’re ensuring your deliveries are consistent and accurate, with flexible options and payment plans to suit businesses of any and every size.

Create Your Shiptheory Account Now

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Get in touch with our staff to schedule a demo, or reach out to learn more about how our innovative software suite can help make your retail operation more effective and easy to manage.